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  政   之   柱    La Colonne des Finances

6 La Colonne des Finances.jpeg

宛如工業社會的煙囪,高聳的金屬巨大圓柱設置在比利時夏勒華市財政廳廣場上,在結構、造形與紋飾敘事上,既傳承著古羅馬圖拉真凱旋紀念柱 (Trajan's Column) 揚顯榮耀,以及康士坦丁柱 (The Column of Constantine) 宣告新首都誕生的樣式,同時又攸關著藝術家自我身分認同與民族歷史的書寫意義。


Like the chimney of an industrial society, the towering metal column set in the square of the Treasury of Charleroi, Belgium, in its structure, form and ornamentation, inherits the glory of the ancient Trajan's Column and the Column of Constantine, which announced the birth of the new capital, while at the same time is relevant to the artist's self-identity and the writing of national history.

The written action is coded in a mixture of symbolic units and the symbolic red patina of the column itself, with the central spine structure, industrial objects and machinery, cosmic images and organic graphics spread around the circumference of the column. The spine is the central axis, the support and the center of life, so the linear shallow relief that unfolds to the left and right is like an uncovered skin, lifting the outer surface to reveal the inner structure and revealing the artist's own self-image on the second intervertebral disc, corresponding to the signature on the left.

Regardless of the form or the production technique, these symbols are 20th century cuneiform and contemporary digital coding elements, all vested in the artist's own symbol system, through which memories, stories and histories are recorded without reservation.

財政之柱(馬丁之柱) La Colonne des Finances

馬丁・奇歐 Martin Guyaux

青銅 脫蠟法 Bronze - technique de la cire perdue / 高23公尺 直徑3.19公尺 重70噸  23 × 3 m

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