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地   下   鐵    Le Metro

9 L’Odyssée Le Métro_Bronze - 3,5m de diamètre.jpeg



Both the work and the pedestal are in the form of a disc, shaped like a large stone mill, rich in hints of rotation and kinetic energy. In contrast to the smoothness of the base and the symbolism of the geographical coordinates system, the surface of the work is covered with coded symbols of various sizes, with shallow but complex texture, arranged in a radial pattern from the center of the circle outwards.

The original title of the work is L'Odyssée, a reference to the story of the Greek hero of Homer's epic poem. The disc represents the sun, and together with the two metal bronze doors (The Doors of the Universe), they form a public art installation, which is a narrative of the sun's flashing flame traveling through the vast space and time, like the great voyage of the Odyssey, reincarnating in an endless drift, and finally completing the great journey to its final destination.

This cyclical narrative, set in Brussels' subway system, creates various linking meanings. The circulation of the subway system connects all parts of the city, linking people, journeys and journeys, stories and stories, interweaving them into a never-ending human epic.

地下鐵 Le Métro

馬丁・奇歐 Martin Guyaux

銅 脫蠟法 Bronze - technique de la cire perdue / 直徑350公分 3.5 m de diamètre

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