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  濟   耶   礦   區    Bois du Cazier

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This bronze work is the prototype of a memorial pillar paying tribute to the 8 August 1956 mining disaster that killed 262 miners in the old Cazieux Forest coal mine in the Marcinelle district of Charleroi, Belgium, one of the country's three major coal mining areas.

The gloriously subdued rectangular square pillar begins with a line drawing of the contours and topographical features of the mine's location: the cinder hill, the low hills, the modern buildings of downtown Charleroi.

The geometry, which should have been intact, was cracked at every turn, exposing the inner metal spools, symbolizing the main factors of the incident: the breakage of the high-voltage cables and the mine elevator cables, and the fire in the ventilation and oil pipelines.

Industrial machinery facilities, power grid parts, various metal coils and power tools symbols constitute all the elements of a shaft that penetrates deep into the earth, recounting a century of mining and great disasters that have inflicted unbreakable wounds on the earth and people.

卡濟耶礦區 Bois du Cazier

馬丁・奇歐 Martin Guyaux

1985 / 青銅 脫蠟法 Bronze - technique de la cire perdue / 50 × 14 × 14 cm

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