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Watercolor Street Scenes – Wu Chen-Yen Watercolor Painting

吳承硯於1943年入學國立南京中央大學藝術系,當時學校迴避戰禍已西遷四川重慶,教授們卻維持嚴謹專業教學,藝術系先後由徐悲鴻及呂斯百等,出身巴黎國立高等美術學院 (Beaux-Arts de Paris) 的老師掌門。學生受教多紮下深厚根基。我們在本展藉由吳承硯1960與1970年代的水彩作品,進一步來看這樣的訓練,如何深刻地影響藝術家的創作態度。

In 1943, Wu Chen-yen enrolled in the Department of Fine Arts at the National Central University of Nanjing, which had already moved to Chongqing, Sichuan Province, to avoid the scourge of war. The professors maintained a rigorous and professional teaching. The Department of Art was headed by teachers from the School of Fine Arts of Paris, including Xu Beihong and Lu Sibai. The students have been taught to build a strong foundation. In this exhibition, we choose Wu Chen-yen's watercolor works from the 1960s and 1970s to further examine how this training has profoundly influenced the artist's creative attitude.

1972 吳承硯 台北南門 38 × 58 cm.jpg


Bell Tower, Taipei

1973 / 水彩、畫紙 Watercolor on Paper / 38 × 59 cm


The work "Taipei South Gate" uses an elevated angle to make the two historical buildings appear even more magnificent and tall, and the people and vehicles passing through them seem like a point of view, just like the artist's street scenes, which are used to seeing many people in a busy and bustling arrangement.

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